+32 475 620 220 hello@ebtt.biz
  The Trusted HR Practice

Base your trust building strategies on a solid baseline and unbiased analysis

C&B driven employee-company interactions are repeated multiple times. Getting it right affects the trust of each employee.

Pragmatic insights generated through C&B-specific methodology and framework

C&B vision

Incorporate the dimension of employee-trust into your C&B vision

Along this journey you may tap into our experience and insights through a FREE 30-minutes “C&B Pathways to Engagement” session via telephone or video conference.

During this session we will co-create / discuss your vision about C&B’s contribution in order to

  • Enhance employee engagement
  • Increase the speed of organizational change
  • Decrease costs

Baseline – C&B practice: is it trusted?

Draw a solid baseline for your current practice as it currently exists.


  • Your policies;
  • Your processes and templates
  • Employee touchpoints generated by the processes

Constraints and improvement opportunities:

Assess the findings in your baseline and identify opportunities to extend employee trust through your C&B practices.

The EBTT approach



Nuance and customization

The service is tailored to the specific needs of the client. Delivered typically either for a fixed fee or on a time-spent basis. This service is also available in the form of virtual consulting and coaching. (via calls, WebEx and e-mail).


Productized services

Nuance and efficiency

Baselining is designed in modules specific to the main C&B areas (nuance) and built through standardized processes (efficiency )
By leveraging these standards, the formula allows clients to benefit from our expertise without lenghty preparation times and at a very favourable cost.
Trust-scan&assessement services are also available in the form of virtual consulting (via the combination of WebEx, calls and e-mail).

Productized services
C&B Modules

The development of the scan modules is ongoing. Currently the following modules are available:

For further details, please click on the name of the product you are interested in, or contact us.

The trusted HR Practice


GCZ International HR Services
division of BV Czanik & Vanhout

VAT: BE 0553.672.535

RPR Antwerpen afd. Hasselt




+32 475 620 220


Dommelhoflaan 26 3910 Pelt Belgium

The EBTT name and logo, the “The Trusted HR Practice” slogan are trademarks of GCZ International HR Services.
Copyright © 2018 GCZ International HR Solutions. All rights reserved.